A series of attractive exhibitors

Under the motto "The city is a port, the port is a city", this year's Rijeka Boat Show is held at the Karolina Rijeka Pier, and visitors are introduced to a number of attractive exhibitors, including well-known brands from the world of nautical, Croatian small shipbuilding and related equipment. This event continues the tradition of nautical fairs that have been held in Rijeka since 1984.…

Direktor Rijeka Boat Showa Črnjarić istaknuo je kako je, uz mnoge koji daju podršku sajmu, za njegov uspjeh najvažnije povjerenje izlagača. S obzirom na velik interes za sudjelovanje u sajmu, organizatori razmišljaju o tome da iduće godine prošire mjesto održavanja ili sajam premjeste na drugo mjesto u Rijeci. Zahvalio se na podršci Gradu Rijeci i Odjelu za poduzetništvo, koji su prije tri godine dali priliku za promjenu organizatora otvaranjem natječaja za dodjelu subvencije za organizaciju nautičkog sajma, kao i Primorsko-goranskoj županiji i sponzorima.

In addition, the same weekend at a number of locations in the city will be held a related, 9th in a row, maritime festival Fiumare - Kvarner Festival of the Sea and Maritime Traditions, which will give Rijeka an additional charm of ancient maritime times. One part of the Fiumare program will take place in the same space as the Rijeka Boat Show and, we are convinced, will satisfy visitors who are not primarily related to nautical. Namely, during its duration from September 22 to 29, Fiumare will offer events such as: exhibitions of wooden boats, traditional regattas, performances of one of the historically richest sequences of the city on the river Rijeka - "Carolina saves Rijeka" through many events for all generations in different locations. , then workshops on tying knots or making ropes, nautical workshops, organized searches for hidden treasures, Eco - ethno fair, etc. catalog of the Kvarner Festival of the Sea and Maritime Heritage "Fiumare".

Source: rijeka.hr

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